Rc.No. 26587/MN1/2020 |
Dated.19.01.2021 |
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The Superintendents of the Teaching Hospitals in the State/Principals of Government/ Private Schools of Nursing are informed that the results of the General Nursing and Midwifery third year Examinations (Regular) held in the month of November ’2020 are hereby declared as per the Appendix enclosed. |
Further, they are informed that if a candidate desires for re-counting in any paper, they are requested to submit their applications of the candidates along with photo copy of Hall Ticket, downloaded Marks memo and mentioning the subject of recounting duly enclosing original Challan of Rs.100/-per each paper under relevant Head of account in which examination fee is being paid. Such applications are allowed by hand directly to the Deputy Director of Nursing O/o. Director of Medical Education., Old Government General Hospital Building, Hanumanpet, Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh up to 27.01.2021 by 5 P.M. Receipt of applications after 27.01.2021 for recounting will not be entertained. Reasons for late submission and receipt of such applications due to postal delays etc, will not be considered. |
Further, they are also informed that if any clarifications regarding the above results, the candidates should forward their application through the concerned schools of Nursing. No clarifications will be entertained after 27.01.2021.
Further, the Chief Information Officer is requested to make necessary arrangements regarding the results and place them in the DME Website. | |||||||
Sd/-Dr. K. Venkatesh |
To All the Superintendents of Teaching Hospitals in the State through the DME website. All the Principals of Government Schools of Nursing through the DME website. All the Principals of Private Schools of Nursing through the DME website. The Chief Information Officer, O/o DME., A.P., Vijayawada, with a request to make arrangements for placing the GNM results in the DME official Web site. Copy to Notice Board of DME Office. |